Sonarr replacing files with better quality, then moving them back to BU folder

    Windows 7

I just literally saw Sonarr download Endeavour Season 7 in Bluray, moved the Web-DL 1080p copies to my backup folder, then go right back and moves the Web-DL 1080p copies back to the folder, then sends the Bluray copies back to the backup folder. This is not a Windows 7 issue, so please forgive me if I start there. I can provide logs, but they are basically “info” logs, and not Debug Logs. I have never had these issues with Sonarr (NZBDrone) v2. This is so frustrating for me, especially when you have absolutely no idea why this is happening, and I have a massive queue pending transfer to various series folders across my network.

Please let me know if I should upload this “info” log.

Thanks in advance,


Info logs are not needed - debug logs would be

Why do you think debug logs are info logs? Are you looking at the debug log file?

Also screenshot of one of the episode’s history would be useful as well

I never said they were the same. My configuration is set to info logs, not debug. I would have posted debug logs if I had that setting on.I am assuming that my debug log would not be relevant after the fact, or am I wrong in saying that?

Here is a screenshot to show what happened.




Right you need debug logs on at the time the events happened.

The history there doesn’t make a lot of sense, according to that Sonarr deleted episodes before grabbing an upgrade (or saw the file removed and marked it as deleted in history).

Definitely would bee to see debug logs to understand the issue here.

I will turn it on right now. At this very moment Sonarr is really acting up. It has downloaded WEB-DL 1080p versions of Vera and it is stuck in a loop on S01E01 which is currently HDTV720. It places that file in my backup folder, then deletes it over and over without actually moving the original HDTV720 file.

I’ll post the logs in just a few minutes.

UPDATE #1: Hope this is enough of the log to show what’s happening. As mentioned above in regards to S01E01, it is now doing it with S3E3 I believe it was.

Log file:

Another thing I’ve noticed with v3 is that it is extremely slow to import. It takes on average approx 20 mins to move 1 episode that’s 1.3 GB, and that’s not the actual moving process, that’s an approximate time before it even starts after the last episode was processed. It is even slower if the episode is named for example 123.mkv. I am not 100% certain if this is only on upgrades because I am sure the issue doesn’t exists on new downloads.


I shut down Sonarr as a service with my admin login credentials, and now I just load it straight from the desktop. I am not sure if it was just a coincidence, but when I did that, the files started to import, but I did them using the manual option. I also did that when it was set as a service and it did not work.

Thanks Markus,


2022-02-03 19:49:51.9|Error|RecycleBinProvider|Unable to move '\\BBOX\TV6\Vera\Season 3\' to the recycling bin: 'E:\Temp\ND\Vera\Season 3\'

[v3.0.6.1342] System.IO.IOException: The specified network name is no longer available.

A Windows Service runs even when the user is not logged in, but special care must be taken since Windows Services cannot access network drives (\server\share or X:\ mapped drives) without special configuration steps.
Additionally the Windows Service runs under the ‘Local Service’ account, by default this account does not have permissions to access your user’s home directory unless permissions have been assigned manually.

I am not sure why you posted that as a reply to me. That error probably got logged because as stated in my previous post, I shut off the service and only then it worked. Did you read my post? I was not running Sonarr as a “Local Service” account. I also stated it was an “Admin account”. Your replies are always cryptic. I am not sure if this is intentional, or if it’s your frustration in every response to me. Lets pretend I am a complete novice. How am I supposed to interpret your response to my issue. Do you think it helped me in resolving the issue? This is why I always prefer when @markus101 responds to my post. He always gets it right, and with a simple explanation.

Nevertheless, I thank you for your response.


Services by default cannot access UNC paths - like \BBOX

Additionally E:\ is no longer available to Sonarr as the service

It seems you refuse to read anything I right and only understand markus who says the same thing…?

You ignored the installation instructions and the FAQ as well.

You changed it from a service to to a tray app and thus it now worked.

But it worked before as a service under the Administrators account. It seems to have an issue with upgrades. For example, The tv series The Teachers (2022) episode 3 was imported on its own to \Bbox\tv11\The Teacher\Season 1.

BTW: The E:\ drive that’s referring to is on the actual PC that Sonarr is installed on. It is always available. It is E:\Temp\Downloads. Likewise, the backup folder is named E:\Temp\ND. This has never been an issue under v2. I should not be experiencing these problems with Sonarr. With v2 I had very minor issues in the past, which were usually my fault, but what has changed in terms of the functionality in v3?

In response to what you said in regard to me not reading what you write, this is simply not true. You write little, if anything in prior posts that you probably understand. If Markus answers, it may mean the same thing to you, but to the average person such as myself, it is the way in which he explains it that makes it easier to understand. One size doesn’t necessarily fit all.Even after this response from you, I still don’t understand what you mean. I have installed it as a service, and I’ve installed it as a tray app. So even though I stated all that in my prior posts, you obviously missed it. The bottom line is this. Am I supposed to run Sonarr as a service under an admin account, or as a tray app? Both ways seem to work. As a service, it downloads new episodes without any issues. I also have seen it upgrade episodes this way as well. I did mention that in my 1st post that Sonarr was not updating the episodes. You never got back to me on why that was happening.

Anyway, I will try and figure this out one way or the other. I may have to switch back to v2 that has been reliable for so many years. I believe there is an issue with v3. That’s just my opinion. This was just supposed to be a simple update, but has now turned into a nightmare for me.BTW, this is the exact same setup as v2, so I am confused with all of this.



In v2 Sonarr ran under the LocalSystem account, which gave it full system access, including network shares, v3 uses a different account by default, which is covered in the installation:

Install Windows Service (Starts when the computer starts as the LocalService user, you will need to change the user to access network shares)

I have changed that to my username that has full administrative rights. I’ve been watching it so far, but no new quality updates have taken place since my last post. I know I can force it to download better quality files for testing purposes, but I’ll just wait for Sonarr to do it on it’s own. Hopefully before this thread closes.

Thank you Markus for your response.



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