Sonarr repeatedly downloading the same episodes

Starting this evening Sonarr has started to download the same episodes over and over again. For some reason it felt the need to grab (for example) The Simpsons 2704 about 6 times. I’ve had to go and mark each episode from tonights calendar as “do not monitor”

Restarted Sonarr for what the hell why not, but that didn’t help any.

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Got the exact same issue and it’s happened on about 9 shows. Only started today with the update. I don’t know whether this is relevant, but in the calendar all today’s shows are colored purple and it shows they are still downloading (at various stages), although they are completely downloaded. In NZBGet, the show is correctly being post processed after downloading. Occurs on every RSS sync.

Starting seeing this too, manually refreshing a season causes it to stop. I wonder if it isn’t marking that it downloaded a show.

Same issue. Not at home able to diagnose but I know once I arrive I’ll have some deleting to do.

Which Sonarr version?
Which Download client?
Is Sonarr importing files?
Is Completed Download Handling Enabled?

Debug logs of an RSS sync would be helpful.

+1 Same exact issue here. I am providing additional details, please let me know if there is something else I can provide:

  1. Very important: none of my settings have changed in weeks.

  2. This problem started immediately after the update was auto-downloaded/installed. This problem has never happened prior to, there is no question that it is the result of this upgrade as nothing has changed.

  3. After the update, I had four shows that should have downloaded. Instead of downloading a total of 4 episodes, it repeated the downloading process for every show. Here is a summary of what was downloaded:

  • 28 copies of Quantico
  • 29 copies of Last Man on Earth
  • 29 copies of Homeland
  • 27 copies of Brooklyn Nine Nine
  1. I do not use the “Drone factory” service, no post-download handling, etc. I use Sonarr in the very basic config to download when shows match, which has worked fine until this update.

While not exactly the same; I had RSS sync/indexer errors as soon as the update occurred yesterday. It ended up being a corrupted database. Deleting the db and replacing it with the most recent backup database file fixed the issue for me. Just an FYI.

Same problem here. Multiple downloads of John Oliver and Downton Abbey.

I had to stop the service to stop the downloads.

Sonarr Ver.
Using Sabnzbd as the download client.
Sonarr does not import files
Sonarr does not do completed download handling (I had confirmed that the files had been moved to the folder though)

By manually refreshing a series so sonarr detected there was a file for that episode (one it had already downloaded) it stopped trying to keep downloading every time my rss sync interval passed.

Like others have mentioned I have had no setting changes in weeks and this issue happened once there were shows to download after the update.

These are my setting as well, exactly.

Thanks for the extra details, I think we have an idea what is causing this issue for you and we’ll be working on a fix for it.

Long story short is us fixing a bug that was caused by specials that were detected as season packs blocking other episodes in the season caused issues if Sonarr is not importing the files.

We’ll have a fix for this out soon™.

same here also is now available that corrects this issue as long as Completed Download Handling (CDH) is disabled.

Thank you for such a fast turn around on this fix, Markus. My bandwidth appreciates it! :grin:

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Yeah, “real soon ™” was a great understatement.

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Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but does this mean it’s a quick fix work-around, and will still redownload if CDH is enabled?

If you’re using CDH Sonarr is able to watch the queue and import when the download completes, this issue only affected users that were not using CDH to import (likely already disabled anyways).

I am seeing the same issue and have always had CDH enabled, updated to the newer version as well, still seeing it this morning.

Screen shot of activities here

Sonarr won’t queue the same episode in the same RSS and won’t re-queue it if its still in the queue on the next RSS Sync.

If Sonarr is not importing files, disable CDH.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sonarr is downloading many copies of the same episode