Sonarr + rclone + seedbox

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 4.2.3 (Stable Wed Mar 16 13:19:08 UTC 2016)
OS: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
((Debug logs)): N/A
(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here)
Description of issue:

Hello! I’ve searched extensively for a solution to my problem without success so I’m hoping that someone here might be able to help.

Here’s the rundown: I have two separate machines. Machine 1 is a VPS that runs rclone (to mount my Amazon cloud data) and Plex. Machine 2 is a seedbox that also runs rclone (for uploading media to my Amazon cloud) and Transmission.

I’m trying to introduce Sonarr into the mix to automate my TV catalog (I’ve used it extensively in the past, but only in a local environment). This is what I’m trying to achieve: run Sonarr on Machine 1 (where my media collection is available) and have it monitor my media, snatch torrents when necessary, and send them to Transmission on Machine 2. After the torrent finishes downloading on Machine 2, I want to *somehow* use Sonarr to rename it and organize it into a Series/Season/Episode structure (can I do this remotely from Machine 1?), and then have rclone (still on Machine 2) upload that directory hierarchy to Amazon. Then when Machine 1 refreshes its rclone mount, it will recognize the new file that was added and Sonarr can mark it as complete.

So basically I want to use Sonarr only for the snatching and renaming features, but I don’t want it to attempt to move the file to my media’s location afterward, because I’ll use a script to upload that file with rclone instead. I’d prefer that Sonarr processed the file and placed it in some sort of “processing” folder that is separate from the media location so my rclone script can monitor that folder for uploading. Is this possible? Does anyone have a similar setup that they’re running? Any advice is appreciated!

Sonarr won’t be able to help with the renaming there since you don’t want it to import to it’s mount, but wait for that mount to be updated. You’ll need to have something else rename and upload to achieve exactly what you’re looking for.

Thanks @markus101 for the info. I ended up going a route similar to what’s outlined in Sonarr deleting files on transfer to Amazon Cloud Drive (via acd_cli FUSE) and it works quite nicely!

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