Sonarr/Radarr Not Renaming and Moving Files after download

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): Windows 10
OS: Im using Windows 10 that has my Sonarr and Radarr and my Asustor NAS has my downloading programs and content
Debug logs: linked below
Description of issue: Before I got renaming worked fine now it will not move nor rename anything. I tried setting up remote path mapping but it still isn’t working. So I have radarr and sonarr on my windows pc and the downloading programs (NZBGET and QBIT) on my nas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

That’s an old version. Update.

Read the FAQ entry on remote shares and Windows. You’ll either need to change the user the Sonarr service runs as, or not run the service.

It says its on the most current version. I Do you have a link to update?

am the only user and the admin. Also it is not installed as a service I have the exe in the shell:startup folder

DUH! I just saw the link in my photo. Updating now!

Still no luck I thought Id include a couple screen shots. I tried every variation I could. Also, I realize there is no space between TVShows in the second photo I changed that thinking maybe the space was causing the error.

Also I realize I have american dad in one and family guy in the other my mistake but I checked and it still isnt working.

Here’s One I just did

Does System: Status confirm that it’s not running as a service? If the service is installed and set to start automatically it’d override the startup folder.

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