(Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here) Description of issue: Ok here goes. I have used Sonarr on my home network for a while and now I started to use a seedbox and have it configured on there now. Sonarr connection tests work to Transmission and files are downloaded to the seedbox itself, the issue I have is that once it is downloaded I have set sonarr to extract the files to a given location. I set sonarr to create empty series folders which it has done but when the files are downloaded the files are not extracted there.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. The private torrent tracker I am using doesn’t support searching I will not have full debug logs until it pick new series that run tomorrow.
Sonarr doesn’t unRAR torrents if that’s what you mean by unpacking.
In order for Sonarr to import files from your seedbox Sonarr needs to be able to see them (typically mounted via sshfs) and a Remote Path Mapping setup to remap the path that Transmission reports as the completed download location (Remote Path) to the place where sshfs has them mounted (Local Path).
First off thanks for your reply, it sounds very helpful though I am struggling to understand some of it.
When I said unpacking I did mean unraring, i have a bunch of RARs and I want the unraring to a folder.
You start to lose me after that point, are you saying that as they are not being unrarred that is an issue with transmission rather than sonarr? Does sonarr tell transmission where to unrar or does that information come directly from transmission default? I just need to understand where to look next to get them unrarred and then I can tackle if sonarr can see them or not.
For the best results, you should extract to the location of the download, but you have two choices for importing, Drone Factory, which is deprecated and will be removed in v3 or telling Sonarr to scan the folder by hitting the API (same thing Drone Factory does, just told by your download client instead of a timer in Sonarr doing it): https://github.com/Sonarr/Sonarr/wiki/Command#downloadedepisodesscan
I can download to the download folder if that is better, does this mean I would not need to change anything with Sonarr or would I still need to do the scan command?
I do not understand where I setup the command, is that part of the gui or a script or command that I need to run on the seedbox itself?
Sonarr gets the download path from Deluge, if Sonarr and Deluge are on the same system it should work seamlessly, otherwise you need to setup a Remote Path Mapping to tell Sonarr how to translate the path Deluge is reporting to the path where Sonarr can access the files locally.