Sonarr ocasionally moving only partial files

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version:
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS

Sonarr ocasionally moving only partial files

I have debug logs enabled, but not sure if logs are needed for this issues, it could possibly be something I’m doing wrong. There doesn’t seem to be a pattern, but every once in a while, I’ll go to consume some of my media, and it’s short, sometimes only a few minutes. I check the file size of the destination directory vs. the download, and the moved file can be just a few hundred megs. I’m not sure what causes this to sometimes happen (Download is fine, file in destination/copy directory has been truncated). Any advice would be very appreciated :slight_smile:

Need trace logs of a partial file move.

Do you have some hacky unpack script that is unpacking wrong and displaying partial files to Sonarr? The only solution is to use Unpackerr or fix your unpacking setup so the files do not at all exist in the folder Sonarr gets from the download client until they are fully there.

I’ve only had debugging log level. I’d been using a fairly straightfoward script that has been working well for a few years, this happened suddenly but who knows, some update or other environmental change could have altered the way this worked smoothly. I’d not heard of unpackerr before. I’ve got this set up, enabled trace logging, disabled my script, and so far so good, I’ll report back in the near future. Fingers crossed.

I’m going to call this topic closed. I’m not sure why the script I’d used for years no longer cut it, but Unpackerr does the trick, without issues. Good call!

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