Sonarr not upgrading preferred words

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 6.12.0
OS: Unraid
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Sonarr is not automatically grabbing and importing releases with higher preferred words. Context: Subbed anime releases first with a lower preferred words rating ‘SubsPlease’, then later a dual-audio version with the dub releases with the preferred word ‘LostYears’, but Sonarr does not pick up on it being released.

To my understanding, Sonarr will automatically grab a release with higher preferred words and import it. For some reason, this is not happening. The release in the first screenshot is the release I would like Sonarr to download. It has been out for 2 days, but I have come across some other releases that have been out for over a week and still have not been grabbed. I also included my quality profile settings; that should not be the issue.

I have noticed that I can easily manually do this by clicking “search monitored” in the top right of a show and Sonarr will then grab and import the correct, new preferred word releases; but is there some way to do this automatically that I have missed?

Interactive Search reference:

Release Profile: (ignore the huge numbers)

Quality Profile:

Propers and Repacks: (I have seen other posts about this setting so thought I would include it)

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The releases were not on your indexer’s RSS feed of new uploads presumably

sonarr does not search, it does not backtrack - it will only check the rss feeds as they come in - every 30 minutes i believe is the global default - it runs in the here and now, never the past, if you miss it, then too bad.

if your indexer has too many updates, or has an issue of some sort, then their feed may not include everything new from the the previous feed update and sonarr never sees the file.

searches are historical, they look through everything. you can do that, sonarr doesnt.

if you are missing chunks from the indexer feeds it will show up in the logs

this is from a feed with 3000 entries in it (its batched in 100 entry chunks) - and it still ends up missing stuff, and its constantly doing that. i probably need to lower the feed time down myself.

2022-02-22 08:03:38.7|Debug|Torznab|Downloading Feed http://jackett:9117/api/v2.0/indexers/torrentdownloads/results/torznab?t=tvsearch&cat=5000,100008&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=2900&limit=100
2022-02-22 08:03:40.7|Warn|Torznab|Indexer TorrentDownloads rss sync didn't cover the period between 2/21/2022 8:32:06 PM and 2/21/2022 9:02:42 PM UTC. Search may be required.
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Thanks for the info. Also, sorry for the absurdly late reply.

I am now trying something new. I have a separate instance of Sonarr running in another container with a much more strict release profile, requiring all downloads to contain certain words. Both instances of Sonarr access the same media and download directories, but do not share the same config files.

Additionally, all releases to be upgraded are HDTV-1080p and WEBDL-1080p once upgraded (quality profile). This is also filtered by my release profile. When I search manually, I can see the release I want downloaded at the top with no errors. However, even though the current file is HDTV-1080p and the new upgraded file is WEBDL-1080p, Sonarr does not upgrade. I am assuming this is because the release in question is 3 days old, way outside of the 30-minute default. I will monitor this to see if any releases are upgraded when they are added to RSS feed.

Is there a way to change this? To my understanding, this is something set by the RSS feed source (i.e. the indexer I select), meaning there is no way for me to change this.

That’s not supported

If you run multiple instances you must follow the requirements as laid out here:

Any weird behavior is on your setup.

Sonarr does not upgrade. I am assuming this is because the release in question is 3 days old

That’s how Sonarr works.

[quote=“rhom, post:3, topic:29796”]
30 minutes i believe is the global default

Is there a way to change this?


To my understanding, this is something set by the RSS feed source (i.e. the indexer I select), meaning there is no way for me to change this.

Not at all - where is this indicated that the tracker/indexer controls when Sonarr queries the latest uploads.

sonarr (ie, you) decides how often to query the rss feeds of all indexers, and its sonarr wide, you cant set the time per indexer

each indexer decides how often to update, or how much content is available in, their own rss feed (and if they want to penalise you for querying it too often)

that is why content can be missed. you have to work out the value that doesnt drop any content (ie there a no log entries about missed entries and you needing to do a manual search instead.

it would be nice if that was turned into a per indexer alert status/icon so you didnt have to trawl through logs to know its happening though.

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