Have an odd issue that I can’t seem to figure out. I have a post script setup in Sonarr (using this: https://github.com/mdhiggins/sickbeard_mp4_automator) and it works great, expect for a recent series I decided to add to Sonarr. I added the series, it sends the download request off to SABnzbd, SAB downloads it, initiates and completes my SAB post script to convert into the format I want, passes back to Sonarr and Sonarr’s response is ‘Queued’, then nothing happens from there. Sonnar doesn’t initiate its post script, so the file does not get renamed, moved, etc.
Its likely that Sonarr wasn’t able to figure out the series based on the release name alone, when Sonarr processes the RSS feed of the the indexer it also uses the TVDB, TV Rage and TV Maze IDs it knows about to match it to as series, if Sonarr uses Completed Download Handling (CDH) to import the file it will be able to map it using the title and information it has from the original grab to find a match. Since the script doesn’t provider all that information (the ID from SAB would help) it will fail if the series title isn’t an exact match or there isn’t a known alias for it.
If its not already added and it should be, add it to the list:
That makes sense and I believe I see the issue. The release name is “Drew.Carey.7x01…” when it should probably be “The.Drew.Carey.Show.7x01…”. I can see how this would not find a match.