Sonarr not removing torrents from Deluge

Hi all. i’m new to Sonarr but i’m loving it already. Only one small issue:

I’ve setup Deluge as my download client and in “Completed Download Handling” I set the Remove option to Yes, but the torrents stay in Deluge anyway. Sonarr correctly copies the episodes to the tv show folder and renames them, but the original download stays in the download folder and Deluge keeps seeding it. Do I need to setup anything in Deluge to allow Sonarr to remove the torrents?

Sonarr will remove them when Deluge stops seeding them. Sonarr leaves it up to the download client to manage seeding and only removes it when it is done.

Then it must be having trouble detecting when Deluge is done, because i just tested it and it still doesn’t remove: I configured Deluge to stop seeding after 2 minutes, which Deluge did. Sonarr removes it from the Activity/Queue screen (was already doing it previously), but not from Deluge. It’s not a big deal, but it would be pretty cool if i could figure out what’s wrong.

Debug logs should show whats going on, it should remove it unless the setting is not set or there is an error removing it.

Probably won’t be in those logs.

You’re probably using a plugin to stop seeding after some time?

Deluge has 2 settings related to seeding:

  1. Share Ratio Limit +Seed Time Ratio + Seed Time (m), all those don’t actually stop seeding, just puts it at a lower priority, giving the torrent less time slots to actually seed.
  2. The other is “Stop seeding when share ratio reached xx” , which does actually stop it.

There are plugins that pause (deluge doesn’t have a status stop) the torrent after a certain time, but Sonarr can’t distinguish between paused temporarily and stopped.
So instead we check whether the torrent is ‘Auto Managed’ and whether the seed ratio exceeds the specified ratio. (see the Options tab for one torrent to see what I’m talking about)

So if 1, the torrent is paused, 2, auto managed is enabled, 3 stop seed at ratio is enabled and the limit is satisfied, then
we’ll remove the torrent.

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I think i have a similar issue but then with Transmission.

Didn’t tested it yet with debug enabled but what i did see for torrent releases was the following messages in log:
RAR file detected requires manual cleanup. (or something like that)

Maybe it’s a know issue don’t know. Will do some test with debug enabled later next week.
Version running is latest development branch

My torrent meets all those criteria, yet it does not get removed. The file gets processed, and it even gets deleted from my completed folder for Deluge after it gets renamed and copied over to the show’s directory. But the torrent does not get deleted. It is set to auto managed, and has been paused automatically by meeting the seed ratio set. Please help. I’d prefer not to have to monitor completed torrents and manually remove them.

Sonarr would either copy or hard link (depending on your settings) when its importing from a seeding torrent. The fact that its removing it leads me to believe its not importing through Completed Download Handling but maybe Drone Factory folder - do you have the Drone Factory set? Is it the same path that Deluge puts completed downloads?

Remove Completed Downloads also needs to be enabled in Sonarr.

I too am having this issue with Transmission. Entries are not getting removed after being seeded. Further more… It is moving the file into my shows folder as it should. And leaving the entry in Transmission pointing to the now missing files. This seems very broken to me.

~ Merlin

Is “Remove Completed Downloads” enabled in Sonarr? That needs to be enabled for Sonarr to remove seeded files.

I do not want to talk about it right now. (:


Sorry to revive this old post, i have been having this trouble to with deluge/sonarr, i am running it within an UNraid enviroment, i have checked i have remove finished downloads in sonarr but the seeding torrents just sit there at 100% and occasionly using bandwidth but do not get removed

i have included a link to my log if it is any use, i noticed that i have failed imports, unamed folders that look like they have not been moved.

Sonarr doesn’t remove torrents that are still seeding.


~But i have set it to the lowest possible setting, i beleive ,to test, im happy to seed but they never seem to finish i have set it to use my full upload speed…if it says seeding 100.00% then why is it still seeding

Do you have it set to stop when seeding finishes? Beyond that I don’t know, I don’t use Deluge so I can’t comment on how it works, but I know Sonarr won’t remove it until its stopped in seeding is complete and is stopped in Deluge.

I haven’t used deluge in a long time, but I believe the 100% simply means you have 100% of the file.

Hi, I too am facing the same problem. Just want to highlight this “The fact that its removing it leads me to believe its not importing through Completed Download Handling but maybe Drone Factory folder - do you have the Drone Factory set? Is it the same path that Deluge puts completed downloads?”

Does this mean that when you enable completed download handling, you shouldn’t be using drone factory? Or does it only mean that drone factory shouldn’t be using the same completed downloads folder of deluge? Cause I’m doing exactly that, my drone factory is pointed to where completed downloads of deluge should be. What is the effect of doing this?

You don’t need Drone Factory at all, it is the old method of importing.

Sonarr will properly talk to Deluge to import files and track whether they are done. Drone Factory is the old import method.

Thanks markus101, figured that out after giving that line a thought. It’s clear now that drone factory is just for occasionally adding shows in your system, and not intended to be the post processing script to inform deluge. I saw in your another post on this forum that sonarr api talks with deluge.


Even that can be handled with Manual Import, but before that was available it was of limited use. We have plans to remove it completely one day.