Sonarr not processing Drone Factory folder

Fairly new to using Sonarr, love it so far. Picked up all of my semi-organized series on disk and imported/organized them correctly. Seeing a problem, however, in Sonarr picking up NON-ORGANIZED episodes from many different series which are all in a single folder. Do I have the functionality of the “Drone Factory” correct, in that I can point Sonarr to a directory and say check all files in here to see what series they belong to and then import them? Or is that incorrect, or dependent on another piece of data (e.g. must have come from a download client)?

That is the original purpose of the Drone Factory folder, but for importing unsorted files that didn’t come from a download client you should use Manual Import to import the files.

I thought Manual Import was only for series, not individual files. Essentially I’ve got many gigs of unsorted episodes of many different series - but where all the series are tracked by Sonarr - and hoping there’s a better way to shuffle them in than having to manually copy each episode to it’s “organized” series folder and tell Sonarr to scan just that series’ folder for new episodes.

Import series is for series (to add them to Sonarr). Manual Import from Wanted: Missing is for importing episodes that weren’t grabbed by Sonarr or need a little help to import properly.

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