**Sonarr version (exact version) **: Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):: OS: Linux Ubuntu Debug logs: (Make sure debug logging is enabled in settings and post the full log to hastebin/pastebin/dropbox/google drive or something similar, do not post them directly here. Post in .txt not .doc, .rtf or some other formatted document) Description of issue:
So I have been using v3 for about a week or two now and it is great. I love the preferred words system. However, I have noticed that sometimes when i am trying to get anime in dubbed, it will grab the release that is listed without a preferred score even if one with a score is available. If I do a manual search I can see the release that is scored as preferred and meets the conditions but it still decides to ignore this and grab a different release without a preferred score.
I have this issue with other anime such as Boruto, where it refused to choose the preferred release even when it meets all the conditions and is acceptable to grab.
I have uplodaded some images to show what comes out as preferred and the option it grabs instead.
No, currently you only have Webrip-720p and WEBDL-720p in the same group. You have to open it and edit so that only one resolution is listed at the level you made the last screen shot from.
Quality is always considered better than preferred words in sonarr. Within a quality group, anything is considered to be of the same quality. So in your example a webdl-720p and webrip-720p are considered to be of the same quality.
If multiple releases in the same quality or quality group are found, sonarr will then use preferred words to pick the best one from those.
If you care more about preferred words rather than quality, you have to merge the qualities you want into one big group.
So you may want to combine webdl-720p, webrip-720p, hdtv-720p into a single group, if that’s what you’re after.