Sonarr not downloading Automatically?


**Can I ask why sonarr would stop downloading episode automatically please? **

There are episodes that match the criteria set and when doing the 10 minute interval rss search here is the response

RssSyncService RSS Sync Completed. Reports found: 212, Reports grabbed: 0 5:37pm
DownloadDecisionMaker Processing 212 releases 5:37pm
RssSyncService Starting RSS Sync 5:37pm

if I go to the Wanted Episode and then use the automatic search it works fine…

EpisodeSearchService	Episode search completed. 1 reports downloaded.	5:40pm

DownloadService Report sent to rutorrent. Man Down S03E02 720p HEVC x265-MeGusta 5:40pm
DownloadDecisionMaker Processing 16 releases 5:40pm
NzbSearchService Searching 5 indexers for [Man Down : S03E02]

Take a look at ((debug logs)) that have an RSS with something you’d expect to be grabbed and it will tell you why it wasn’t grabbed.


sorry for the delayed response but work! moving house etc!

ok, I am narrowing this down…

after checking the debug log when an rss search is performed the torrents I want are not being searched/found (hence why they are not being downloaded automatically) but if I perform a manual search they ARE searched for so something in the automatic rss is not searching/finding the torrents I want but it is if I perform a manual search?

If I perform a manual search for a series episode it is found

If I perform an automatic rss search, lots of results are found but not the torrents I am looking for (and the one that is found in the manual search)

Any ideas where the differences are between manual & automatic?

Many Thanks

Here is a link to the two debug logs.

one is the log of an auto rss search & the other is from a manual search

Many Thanks

debug logs

I am thinking that this might be caused by jackett?

if I leave the categories for Torrentday in Sonarr blank then no results are found for the category I want (TV X265) but if I enter a custom category (2000) then results are found in a manual search only and not the rss?

RSS and searching are not the same thing. Automatic search and manual search do the same search, as long as the indexer(s) return the same results then Sonarr will process the same thing.

RSS processes recently posted releases (usually the last 100), it doesn’t search for the specific thing you’re looking for, so if Sonarr isn’t running for a period of time Sonarr may not ever see the release and automatically grab what you’re looking for.

You probably need something in there, but again the difference between RSS and searching (the FAQ explains this more).

Hi, thanks for your input but I have spent hours and hours on this and would really appreciate a bigger clue on how to get this working?

to make it easier I am just trying to download episodes from the TV/x265 Section on TorrentDay

1, If in the indexer section for TorrentDay in Sonarr I leave the category as default (5030,5040) then my episodes are not detected in RSS or by clicking Manual Search

2, If I enter 2000 in the category episodes are not automatically downloaded from RSS (as they are not searched for) but they are displayed if I click the manual search button (the results are shown WITHOUT a red exclamation mark on them meaning the results are acceptable to Sonarr conditions) and I have to click download manually.

3, I have also tried entering 5000,5020,5030,5040,5050,5060 in the category but no results are found on the RSS or manual search

I can’t be the only person stuck with this surely?

Many Thanks for your time.

If you click automatic search does Sonarr grab it automatically? (Not RSS, that is something else). For RSS to work they need to be recently posted releases that Sonarr

5030 and 5040 are the default categories, if TorrentDay uses a different one it will need to be entered.

Adding categories won’t help if they are the wrong ones.

In your RSS logs I see a release being rejected because it doesn’t have a required term in it, but there are results being processed (from at least one of your indexers, if the issue is only with TorrentDay disable the rest so we don’t get logs filled with unrelated information).

16-8-20 08:59:59.5|Debug|ReleaseRestrictionsSpecification|[Dark Matter S02E08 AAC MP4-Mobile] does not contain one of the required terms: x265, HEVC
  1. Make sure you’re using the correct category (search should help determine if the correct categories are being used)
  2. If releases are not grabbed shortly after they are released check ((debug logs)) to see if they were processed in an RSS sync
  3. If releases were not processed then either the categories were wrong or the they never showed up in the RSS feed
  4. If the release was processed but not grabbed the debug logs will show why: DownloadDecisionMaker|Release rejected for the following reasons: (followed by the reason(s) why it was rejected).


Thanks again for the reply :slight_smile:

1, I am unable to find where the categories are? (5030,5040 etc) I have spent ages on google and forums but cannot find anything to help me with this?

2, I have nothing scheduled at the moment that would be in the last 100 for the RSS

3/4 the releases are not shown in the log as for some reason the releases I want are not appearing in the logs?

If I click manual search you can see that the release is available and there is no exclamation mark as pictured here!AjnJhtmhYMJlg-J8lhC1q9tL9P7T5w

If I click automatic search the release is downloaded automatically but for all releases I have to do this for X265 RSS will not search/find the correct releases only manual/automatic works.

hope this is clear?

Thanks again for your time…

For Newznab sites they are part of the URL when you’re navigating, not sure where they come from for TorrentDay (where did you find category 2000).

You’ll either need to wait for one to show up or add a show that’s in there to test it immediately.

That means it was never processed, every result either from RSS or searching will be in the logs if it’s there for Sonarr to process.

Is the series monitored?
Is the episode monitored?
Both the series and the episode need to be monitored for Sonarr to grab it automatically, if either isn’t it won’t be grabbed automatically, but the logs will explain that is why it was rejected. Manual search won’t show anything because searching for single episodes doesn’t care if it’s monitored (assumes you meant to search for it whether or not it is monitored).

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