Sonarr not deleting torrent after import

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS (via Docker container)
Debug logs: TBP
Description of issue: Sonarr empties queue, yet the remote Transmission instance retains torrent files.

  • Transmission is remote and referenced via https.
  • Category defined as sonarr-category
  • Items are transferred via Syncthing to local container (details in pastebin)
  • Requests/Imports are fine, just lacking deletion

I’ve tried quite a few areas of troubleshooting, none have offered desired results:

  • adjusted seed ratio higher/lower
  • removed/replaced category
  • used socks5 proxy/http proxy
  • monitored full trace of several torrent requests
  • scoured general search, reddit, this forum (some mentions on similiar issues but nothing conclusive)

It’s interesting my configuration (other than staying current w/sonarr releases) hasn’t changed for nearly a year, using the same remote service. This is the first time I’ve seen this issue. The really ugly side of this is it’s part of a mostly automated system where requests queue up. There are periods of heavy processing which, without successful deletions, I end up with a significant amount of backlog data.

One thing which has been getting my attention is the consistency of "isFinished": false at every single HttpClient Response. I’d like to know if that is single root cause or potentially amongst root cause of this issue. More detail:

I’d be happy to provide debug/trace logging but would prefer to know what to look for beforehand.

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