Sonarr not cleaning up downloads folder after importing to series folder (Mac, Transmission)

Hey, I’m having trouble getting sonarr to automatically delete the torrents in the download directory after moving them. I know sonarr won’t delete it until the torrent is paused (learned from another thread), but it doesn’t seem to be deleting after the torrent is done either. I have transmission automatically removing my torrents from the transmission transfer list after seeding is done, so could this interfere with sonarr cleaning up the downloads folder? If so, how can I fix it without unchecking the remove from transfer list option in transmission because I would like to keep it for my other non tv torrents.

Did you enable “Remove completed downloads” in the download client settings?

Do you mean in transmission? I enabled the option of removing from the transfer list when seeding is done. And thanks for the quick reply!

No, I meant in Sonarr. If you remove it from Transmission and Sonarr hasn’t imported it, the files will be gone, not a likely case, but possible if it took a really long time to download or your seeding requirements were low.

The option in transmission only removes the torrent from the transfer list, but the downloaded stuff still exists. I have not enabled the “Remove” option under Sonarr > Settings > Download Client> Completed Download Handling. The problem I am having right now is actually Sonarr not removing the files after the torrent is completely done seeding, rather than transmission removing the files without Sonarr importing them.

If its removed from Transmission Sonarr has no knowledge of it existing, Sonarr sees the torrent disappear and stops tracking it.

I understand the issue, I was explaining why that setting might be bad, but it will also stop Sonarr from seeing it.

Ah I see, so there’s no way of making Sonarr and that option co-exist, without sacrificing the auto deleting function? I would love to keep it on for my other torrents but I can live with having to manually remove my torrents that are done seeding.

Unless you can do it on a condition (not under a certain path), no its not possible.

Ya I’m not sure that option exists for transmission, so I’ll just disable it, thanks so much for your help!

Also just wanted to say I appreciate your work as well. Sonarr is so well made!

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