Sonarr not automatically downloading season. Works for individual episodes


So love this software, it looks amazing but I am just running into a small issue. So I’m attempting to use Sonarr with Deluge and a TorrentDay with the Jacket app. That setup seems fine. The issue is that I have say, “Parks and Recreation” added. It noticed I had season 1 - 6 already downloaded and put season 7 into monitored.

Under the wanted section it shows all the episodes missing in Season 7. Clicking the Magnifying glass on either the Series or the Season initaties a search, but nothing gets sent to deluge to download. However if I do an automatic search on an individual episode or even a manual search it works fine.

Why is that the case?

PS: What exactly is drone factory used for?

Probably because no results were returned for the search, ((debug logs)) will confirm this.

Its the legacy file import method.

I haven’t checked the debug logs and i will when I get that chance… But it won’t have found anything in the search? When I click automatic search on the individual episodes it does search and find it. It just doesn’t do it from season or series search…

A season search is different, it doesn’t search for each episode in the season one by one, that would take longer and waste more API calls. It makes one call (to start) asking for releases in Season X, if there is a full page of results the next page of results is requested (assuming your indexer supports paging), how paging works through Jackett I’m not sure, but thats how it works for standard indexers.

Interesting. I suppose I’ll manually download the episodes for now. And then we’ll see. I guess Sonarr is better suited for currently airing TV shows more than anything. Can’t wait for the fall season to start! Thank you for the replies.

You should be using the missing episode feature for major backlog searches, and not do it on the series page.
Just hit search all missing, and it will look for all the individual episodes.

A post was split to a new topic: Single Episodes are preferred over season packs

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