Sonarr no longer able to connect to RARBG [solved]

Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Windows 10 x64
Description of issue:

Got an error message saying that the RARBG indexer was having difficulty.

Doesn’t seem to be able to connect to the gateway.

Unable to connect to indexer: HTTP request failed: [502:BadGateway] [GET] at []

Not sure what’s happening on this one.

Anyone have any ideas or solutions?

Thankyou in advance.

I having the same issues is the site been taking down?

From what I can tell, it’s some sort of ‘token’ issue…but beyond that, I’m lost.

Its not rarbg that is down but that is having trouble, when putting link into browser it comes up with cloudflare 502 page meaning they cannot connect to server

OK, so I get 403 Forbidden when putting into chrome.

Is that happening for anyone else?

Here as well.

Hmm…OK, reading around a little more, now that I’ve seen that cloudfare page, it looks like an ip ban maybe? Or not a ban, but they want a captcha and obviously sonarr can’t do that…

Same for me here. This kinds of leaves us with no public tracker available or am I missing something? PM me if I am…

Since KAT got taken down, the only public trackers were NYAA and RARB. NYAA is anime only, so yeah…no public trackers left until it starts working again.

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same here. damn :frowning:

EDIT: must have been temp… it’s working again!

Yup! Working again for me too.

This has put under the magnifying glass the sorry state public trackers are in. Is there any chance for Extratorrent or TorrentHound integration?

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Working again. Traffic issues maybe.

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