Sonarr Missing Root Folder

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: macOS 10.15.7
Debug logs:
Description of issue: Constant Missing Root Folder Warning

Hi Guys,

I renamed two of my NAS drive Shares recently and altered the series using the “Series Editor” to reflect the correct path and Sonarr found all the files etc. Since then I am getting a constant warning that Sonarr is Missing Two Root folders and it lists both folders. I have removed these from the list of available root folders by searching for a new series and click “Add a Different Path” and X them out there which they are not on that list anymore. They do not exist on any Series Paths and have restarted the system and sonarr several times and issue is persisting.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it


That check is based on the series paths, so there is at least one series with the wrong path still. If they’re all fixed, try restarting Sonarr.

Hi Markus, Thanks for your reply, I have gone line by line in series editor that file path doesn’t exist in recently added paths and isn’t being used at all by any series. Restarted Sonarr several times and restarted the mac mini several times also. Not sure what else could be causing this.

Hi Markus, I restored the system from a time machine backup and it seems to have solved it as the alert isn’t appearing anymore. Thanks for your time and advice.

Issue Resolved

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