Sonarr is querying indexer and getting random shows instead of ones it's monitoring

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows): 6.12.0
OS: unRAID 6.12.4
Debug logs:
Here are the logs for the issue - Sonarr random feeds -
Here is the full file from today - Full Sonarr Debug Log -
Description of issue:

Sonar is unable to find any feeds for my library. It seems to query Newznab for what looks like a broad set of categories here:

2023-09-16 01:26:43.3|Debug|Newznab|Downloading Feed,5020,5030,5040,5045,5050,5060,5070,5080&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100

Then none of the feeds returned match what is in the library. I am able to manually search and find many that match.


Sonarr parsing the rss feed of your indexer is inherent to how sonarr works, covered in the faq: Sonarr FAQ | Servarr Wiki

Oh whoops, I was under the impression it would go off and find what was missing. So except for new releases triggering a download is a manual process?

For older shows: yeps.
Unless they happen to be reposted and thus appear on the rss feed…

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