Sonarr is not importing certain correctly named seasons ( SOLVED )

Sonarr version:
Mono version :
OS: Unraid 6.12.4
Debug logs: 2023-11-26 10:48:04.3|Debug|ProcMountProvider|Failed to retrieve mounts from /pr -

Description of issue:
I can’t import certain seasons of this show and i don’t know why !!!???

Naming is correct … permissions and other suff are correct … first 11 seasons imported fine and also the last 4 ones too.

Screenshots Imgur Imgur Imgur

Debug LOG 2023-11-26 10:48:04.3|Debug|ProcMountProvider|Failed to retrieve mounts from /pr -

Trace Log 2023-11-26 11:17:09.5|Debug|XemService|Setting scene numbering mappings for [724 -

Additional Information:

  1. I’m using Sonarr on Unraid ( Updated tho the last version )
  2. All data on the same server
  3. Show is downloaded manually. moved to the anime directory then imported via sonarr. that worked with other shows and the server is running since a year with these configs and everything works fine with other shows and with SABNZBD and also Radarr Working fine.
  4. I do download Animes manually via qbittorrent on the same server then move them to the media folder and I also download them automatically via Sonarr ( depends on the show )
  5. this show didn’t sync when I clicked Refresh and Scan for the first time and solved this issue by moving the seasons one by one … it seems Sonarr got overwhelmed and couldn’t find the files!
  6. but the the issue right now happened with season 12 and got the same issue with seasons 13, 14 and 15.
  7. tried to name it via filebot and got the same results ( keep in mind original names of the other seasons worked fine
  8. I did delete the show and added it again and moved the files manually and got the same results.
  9. Restarted Sonarr.
  10. Changed the naming to 12x01 … etc
  11. Used the original naming of the torrent files “Detective Conan - 316 [MAT-Fansubs][63CC2088]” which worked with other successful seasons BTW
  12. Scratched my head multiple times
  13. I did use the maual import from the Wanted page and I got “Unable to load manual import items” No matter where the files are ( this method worked with season1 but not season 12 and the others )

it seems that Sonarr can see the files fine as you can see in the screenshot of the management window but it couldn’t match the name and the season and episode numbers which is weird!

Update ! : Problem Solved !!! … issue the episode 12x8 file is corrupted

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