Sonarr is not downloading series posters

Sonarr is not downloading series posters, so all I see on the series lists are black rectangles with a watermark of the sonarr logo. This looks really ugly, sorry :frowning: I checked my settings and thereā€™s nothing apparently wrong. Am I missing something? Why isnā€™t sonarr downloading posters so it shows images on the list of shows?

Please enable debug logging and pastebin the results of freshing a series.

Which version of Sonarr?
Which OS is Sonarr running on?

I am having the same issue, none of the series posters are being displayed, just the default sonarr gray poster with logo

the images are in the folders and look fine, but will not display in the series list.

this is what it looks like

Mono Version 3.10.0 (tarball Mon Jan 26 02:53:37 UTC 2015)
Running on FreeNAS, Build: FreeNAS-9.3-STABLE-201501301837

Thanks for the info, I was expecting an error in the logs to point out something, but nothing of value in there.

On System -> Info in the Sonarr UI there is an AppData path list there, could you go there and zip up a few of the folders under the MediaCover folder and send me a link to download the zip?

I want to see what images Sonarr has downloaded.

here you go!jNx1kYjB!Vjf0llYMQ6VM5dVK1RniUp_X5LBCBr5qwRtlEXdQ4Io


I know what the issue is, I just need to coordinate with @Taloth to make sure weā€™re not duplicating work on this (he was looking at the same issue earlier).

Iā€™ve added it to Trello so we can track is more easily, weā€™ll update there once its resolved:

So are we waiting on an update to be pushed out before we see the fix then? From the looks of it, it appears the issue was addressed already?

Its fixed in develop, weā€™ll have a fix out for the master branch today though.

Awesome, thank you very much. I just ran this is in the meantime to make it look betterā€¦

find /var/db/sonarr/ -type f -name ā€œposter-250.jpgā€ | xargs rm -f

find /var/db/sonarr/ -type f -name ā€œposter-180.jpgā€ | xargs rm -f

New build is out now.

Thank you very much, it appears to be working good even after series update.

Even after the update my covers werenā€™t appearing so I just deleted all the folders inside /MediaCover/ and clicked the button to update all series after restarting the app and now the covers are showing up.

Thanks for fixing the issue, and by the way I am using the latest version (develop) on a QNAP NAS running Mono 3.10.

For otherā€™s benefit, there was one more issue that prevented them from being cleaned up, which will be in the next release. The current workaround is to delete the MediaCovers folder and let Sonarr recreate them.