Sonarr in docker - problems with permissions and importing

Sonarr version
Mono version 6.12.0 in the docker container:
Alpine (docker), debian12 (host):
Debug logs:PrivateBin
Description of issue: Repeated access/permissions error in logs across various files. Chmod -R 777 on the root TV directory has been applied. No errors in Radarr with the same PUID and PGID.
Issue is present with both binhex/arch-sonarr & linuxserver/sonarr docker images.
I have read that the mono verision may be an issue but thats wrapped up in the Archlinux docker images Iā€™m assuming. I got in the docker shell and mono version is 6.12.0 in the binhex/arch-sonarr image.

This issue also seems to be preventing new episode imports from the download directory.

FYI issue seems related to my mergerFS pool and one disk getting quite full, have re-balanced the pool and things seem to have returned to BAU. It took quite some rebalancing of the mergerfs pool before things returned to normal. I used mergerfs-toold to rebalance via CLI.

This matter can be closed for now.

Will leave this thread here in case anyone searches for a similar issue.

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