Sonarr import on a SabNZB initiated download?

Scanned the forums but didn’t find anything that matched what I’m experiencing.

Running Sab and Sonarr on the same machine. Using for my indexer.

Have set up up Completed Download Handling and everything works fine when Sonarr is initiating the download through Sab. Episodes are downloaded and processed/sent to correct directory.

Sometimes for whatever reason Sonarr doesn’t find some episodes during a scan on my indexer of choice. If I manually search the indexer and download Sab downloads no problem. However because I’ve initiated the download from the Sab side instead of through Sonarr it doesn’t know the episode has been downloaded and it isn’t moved to the correct directory.

This functionality was handled by the post processing script with Sickbeard/Sickrage.

Is there something equivalent in Sonarr? It would seem the drone directory would work but if I understand correctly it ignores any directories set up as a category (TV) in sabnzbd, correct?

Just make sure your manually added download is in the correct category (the category sonarr is configured to watch) and sonarr should see it.
Don’t use the Drone Factory, it’s the source of all evil™.

Yep, confirmed. The category for Sab in Download Clients set to TV as it is in Sab.

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