Sonarr hangs every few days, but not when I enable Trace logging

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
Debug logs: N/A
Description of issue:

Every few days Sonarr hangs (becomes non-responsive) with no errors in the normal or debug log files. I seem to have the same issue as this user:

There are no errors in the logs when this happens, outside of normal warnings about indexers being unavailable, so there isn’t anything relevant that can be gleaned from them (I’ve been monitoring this issue for weeks now).

The really annoying thing is that it doesn’t happen when I enable Trace logging.

So there’s nothing in the normal log, debug or trace logs that could help me identify what could cause it to hang. It doesn’t crash completely - the process is still alive, but it just stops generating logs and I can’t access the site. And of course when I enable trace logs to investigate, it never hangs. I’ve also got Lidarr and Radarr installed and those never hang. It only happens with Sonarr.

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