Sonarr "failed to open page"

Sonarr version: Latest, V4
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
**OS Sequoia 15.2:
Debug logs: Cannot find any instance of logs
**Description of issue: Sonarr not opening, but is running.

So last night I got Sonarr up and running, it was a little janky but it was running in safari for the most part. Woke up this morning and it now seems to not be connecting to localhost. To be honest it was a painful set up process, it kept moving my media files around and then losing them, convincing my Mac to give it permission for basic tasks was like chasing my own tail, but I eventually got it working and it worked fine.

I followed the ‘Dive In’ steps correctly, Sonarr was running fine and processing my shows. I was trying to access Sonarr from another computer on the same network, but I must have accidentally messed with the advanced settings somewhere and Sonarr will no longer load to “http://localhost:8989”. I’ve opened activity monitor and it says it’s running. Ive tried restarting, reinstalling, wiping all sonar files and starting from scratch but no luck at all.

It looks like I need to get into the settings and make it point back to the default http://localhost:8989 or the “*” it had in the setting, but I have no idea which file this would be in. Any help diagnosing would be amazing, perhaps it’s an issue with my Mac?

On the verge of ditching Sonarr all together as its brought more trouble than its worth, but I thought I’d give it one last try and see if anyone can help.

FIX: so after some playing around I stumbled upon the config file, which is a hidden folder. I navigated to user/.config/sonarr and copied the config file to my desktop as a back up, deleted the original then restarted my Mac. Seems to be running fine now.