Sonarr downloads the wrong episodes

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

Could someone please give me the ELI5 version of why Sonarr is downloading the wrong episodes of things? Like I search for Episode #3 but end up with #8 with the name changed?

It’s not downloading the wrong episode; XEM is in play due to how groups were releasing it it seems

This is covered on the sonarr FAQ as well

Thank you- I’ve read that but unfortunately I’m still confused. I’m not sure how to read the XEM stuff, and I don’t see anything there about this particular season. I should submit a request form? I’m not sure what to do and I don’t want to do anything that’s going to make people upset.

Ah sorry looking closer

Not a Sonarr issue if your indexer have the releases incorrectly named

If it’s consistent then yes an XEM mapping can be requested

@bakerboy448 Can you help me understand why shows are out of sequence? Dirty Jobs Season 5 for example, the results from Usenet do not match the DVD order OR the aired order. Did they air in a different order in Antarctica or what?

Actually it seems that all the results I’m getting for Dirty Jobs season 5 are actually season 6 episodes…

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