Sonarr downloading wrong American Dad

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):4.2.3
OS: Ubuntu 14.04.1
Debug logs:
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Description of issue:
Trying to figure out how to fix a problem that has been discussed many times in the forums… But I don’t see the specifics that I describe here.

Currently fighting with Sonar and American Dad!. Now, before you reply saying “See this thread” I’ve viewed a number of threads, but am left thinking, no this time something is really wrong.

One thread asserts that TBS listing is the only formal listing. In this case TBS lists the latest episode as S13/E1 Paranoid_FRANDROID.

From what I can find, this episode is episode # 236, which on TVDB is S15 E01, and on “scene” is Season 14 Episode 2. This from
but here is the real kicker. Sonarr is downloading Episode 214, Fight and Flight, which is TVDB’s Season 14 Episode 2, and calling it Season 15 episode 1.

What do I need to do to fix this?

American Dad is called out in the FAQ, episode for it are remapped on due to the differences between the release groups and TheTVDB. Probably best to discuss it on their IRC.

the mapping looks fine to me for all these releases.

this is episode is S15E01 at tvdb which is how its mapped.

it doesnt matter what TBS says it is, only what thetvdb currently has it is, if TVDB change the numbering
the mapping will need to be changed as well tho, but for this moment it is correct, so probably the release you downloaded is not within the current scene numbering

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