Sonarr doesn't start, and deleting logs.db file no longer fixes it


A few days ago my Sonarr stopped working. I trawled the forums and managed to find a solution - deleting the logs.db file from the .config/nzbdrone folder (MacBook Pro running OSX 10.9.5).

The problem just resurfaced, and when i repeated the same process it didn’t solve it - and I still can’t load it up. I aslo reinstalled Sonarr (drag and drop to applications folder) and no luck…

Any help would be great; I have zero to none knowledge of terminal but with a bit of guidance can hopefully also supply some evidence if needed.


If its a database issue its likely nzbdrone.db that is corrupt, you will need to restore from backup.

Take a look at log files first.

Hi Markus, thanks for that.

Problem is that I can’t even load the Sonarr UI. it simply won’t connect (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED), even though internet and other downloads are working fine. So i can’t follow any instruction that requires Sonarr UI access. I don’t even know if the app is ‘on’ or not (though I assume it’s not otherwise i could access it)

As for looking at the logs folder, I have 6 logs which means that Logging is enabled, but other than that I’m not sure what other info I can draw from the hyper link here above towards solving the problem. Do i delete these files? Or just delete the current active one (nzbdrone.txt)?


You need to look in nzbdrone.txt to see what errors are preventing Sonarr from starting.

You don’t need to use the UI to restore a backup, you just need to be able to open the folder in Finder and unzip it (assuming on is available), the AppData directory should be ~/.config/NzbDrone.

Gotcha. Good info mate.

Latest problem in file is: “System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: database disk image is malformed”. So makes sense i need to restore from back up. Inside ~/.config/NzbDrone/backups there’s a scheduled folder. I accessed the last zip on it (created 10 days ago), and that has a config.xml file and a nzbdrone.db file (there is no “AppData directory” folder or similar). Is it one of those that i need to open?


AppData is what ~.config/NzbDrone is referred to within Sonarr, you’d need to restore nzbdrone.db from that zip and replace ~.config/NzbDrone/nzbdrone.db.

You. Are. Ace.

Thanks Markus! - worked a charm, and super easy too.


I’ve had Sonarr end up in the “Epic Fail” state twice in the past month. Not sure why this is a problem recently whereas it ran great for months before.

As mentioned earlier, the logs.db file seems to be the culprit.

on OS X:

cd /Users/$USER/.config/NzbDrone
mv logs.db logs.db.old

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