Sonarr doesn't download episodes automatically

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Ubuntu & Docker
Debug logs:
2023-04-23 11:36:50.2|Info|ReleaseSearchService|Searching indexers for [Rabbit Hole : S01]. 3 active indexers
2023-04-23 11:37:02.8|Info|DownloadDecisionMaker|No results found
2023-04-23 11:37:02.8|Info|SeriesSearchService|Series search completed. 0 reports downloaded.
Description of issue:

I added the TV show Rabbit Hole on Sonarr, and it automatically added two out of the six episodes that have already been released. However, I noticed that the remaining episodes weren’t added automatically. I suspect there might be a problem with the RSS feed of my indexer, because when I searched manually, I was able to find the missing episodes.

Do you have any suggestions on how i can resolve this problem or how I can verify whether the RSS feed of my indexer (YGG Torrent) has listed all the episodes that Sonarr missed ?

Thank you !

3 lines of an info log for a manual season search isn’t going to help for an issue about RSS sync not finding individual episodes, and when debug logs are asked for.

The one thing it does show though is that no results were found. Try doing an interactive search in Sonarr for those episodes, see if they’re rejected for some reason.

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