Sonarr deleted 1080p video replacing it with a SDTV video. How do I recover the file?

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10
Description of issue:
Sonarr just deleted a .mkv file in 1080p with a .avi in 416p. What gives? Is there any way to recover the deleted file?

You’ve gotta give a lot more information than that. But 1. Probably incorrect quality profile. 2. No, unless you have the recyclebin configured in Sonarr.

The quality profile was Bluray-1080p. I tried setting up the recycle bin once, but it didn’t work like I wanted it to. I wanted it to move the files to the windows recycle bin.

Could you be more specific what more information to you need?

Did sonarr actually recognize the original file as bluray-1080p? (probably answered with next question)
What does the history of the episode say? (click episode, history tab, screenshot)
What does the quality profile assigned to the series look like? (check the show to see which quality profile is assigned, then go to settings > profiles > click the profile > screenshot)

I’m not seeing any ‘Grab’ event in that history.

I had the file before I installed sonarr, it just detected the file when I added the series. It was a file I had synced and added dubbed audio to, so it sucks that I lost it and have to do it all over again…

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