I have every Anime from the Spring 2015 season setup in Sonarr, but it has yet to match and download a single show. So far if I select an aired episode from the calendar and perform an automatic search then it down loads the show no issue, a manual search finds many matches, in most cases. The shows are “Monitored”, so why is Sonarr not automatically downloading the shows, unless I force a search? Second why is it even after downloading a show it still shows in red “missing”, yet under Activity it shows as having been downloaded?
In settings I have:
min age 90
retention 1200
rss sync 120
I do see a few (very-very few) messages for something like:
NzbSearchServiceSearching 5 indexers for [TITLE HERE : 01], but nothing was downloaded, if I manually force an “automatic” search on the same title it starts a download, a manual search finds 7 matches in this case more or less in others, so why did it not do download anything only 2 minutes earlier?
Thanks for the software, just trying to workout what I’m doing wrong,