Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: DSM 6.2.3
Debug logs:
Description of issue:
Hello all,
I am trying to increase the configuration of my Sonarr setup and so far I used only free torrent indexer (rarbg).
Looking around I understood that i can setup sonarr to work with nzb and would like your confirmation that my understandings are correct.
I have to subscribe two different services:
one nzb indexer like nzbgeek
one usenet account like easynews
The I have to configure on Sonarr a nzb indexer (with the api key) and an nzb download client
in my case I will setup Download station. on NAS I have to configure the download station with the account/password from usenet service I choose.
It should be all what should be done.
Am I correct?
Do you suggest any particular nzb indexer and usenet provider?
A further question, is there any guide to install sonarr on raspberry pi?
Thank you!