Sonar stopped working on OS X

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: OS X 10.8.2 (hackintosh)
Debug logs:

Description of issue: Sonarr stopped working for some reason. It ran fine for a while after the latest version update, but then out of the blue stopped working. I tried to quit the app and relaunch it but that didn’t work. Then I tried the wiki steps of clearing logs (didn’t work) and then restoring from backup (didn’t work).

I noticed in the debug log about something using the port, so I ran the following command in terminal:
sudo lsof -i :8989 # checks port 8989

Which came back with the following but I can’t decipher which app is using the port:
Command Node Name
lldb TCP *:sunwebadmins (LISTEN)
lldb TCP my local ip:sunwebadmins-> (CLOSE WAIT)

Thanks for any help…

Does the issue persist after a restart of the system?

It looks like the port my be tied up by some remote connection, though I’m not very familiar with that output, so just a guess.

Yep, rebooting fixed it…go fig…

OK I spoke too soon…when I reboot, Sonarr will run fine for a few days and then stop working, and I can’t load the webpage anymore. I have attached all the most recent logs…


You’re going to need to get trace logs from the time it stopped working to see what Sonarr was doing when it crashed. You may need to capture standard output and error logs if Sonarr doesn’t logs anything when mono crashes.

OK, I’ve enabled Trace logging and will report back if it “crashes” again…

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