Sonar searches for wrong episode number

If an episode doesn’t get found, and I click on the automatic search function, it searches for the wrong episode number.
Let’s say I missed downloading S02E05 of a show. If I go to missed episodes and click automatic download, it will search and start downloading S02E03.
If click the manual search button it shows results for S02E03 (incorrect,) as well, for both torrents and nzb searches.

Attached is a screenshot showing an example of an episode that didn’t download, and when automatic search was done… you can see the results. This seems to happen with most of the searches, and seems to happen more to some series than others. In this case it was missing episodes 7 and 8, but searched for Episode 4, downloaded it, and renamed it to the wrong episode number.

Please hastebin debug logs of the search. It looks like that series was mapped on at one point, but its not there now - that is the only reason I can see S01E04 being renamed to S01E07-E08.

The episode in question was around the below time mark:
15-5-5 14:11:12.0

Which one?

Not seeing any errors with this one.

15-5-5 14:17:28.2|Info|Sabnzbd|Adding report [Steven.Universe.S02E01.720p.HDTV.x264-W4F] to the queue.
15-5-5 14:17:29.2|Info|DownloadService|Report sent to download client. Steven.Universe.S02E01.720p.HDTV.x264-W4F

Yeah, it’s completely random. That series had an incorrectly searched for episode several days/weeks back.
Another one in that last was Star vs the Forces of Evil. And another was Pac-Man.
All of which should be in that hastebin log.

There was nothing wrong with that particular one you referenced above…
Did the one(s) that did have errors have anything that stands out? If I have to manually search for nzb’s myself outside of sonarr for several TV series because Sonarr searches for a “3” instead of a “1” or an 8 instead of a “5,” I would be better of reverting back to sickbeard, which sucks because up to this point sonarr has been great.

Without debug logs showing the search I can’t see what Sonarr actually searched for. Clear your logs, enable debug logging and hastebin the search so its not full of a bunch of other things.