Sonar creating download address

Package Version 3.0.9 by Team Sonarr
Mono Version
AppData directory /var/lib/sonarr

debug log:
running with ubuntu 22.04

Sonarr is creating its own download addresses. This morning I took a look at the place where I download (not the root folder) and noticed that it had added “tv” to /home/greg/Video/complete (added /tv)

I am not sure which downloader client was used; sabnzbd+ or transmission.

I need to know what and why sonarr is doing this. The place where downloads go is: /home/greg/Video/
In that place I have:

My category addresses are:

the really strange thing is that Radarr has the same problem but handles it differently. They consider going to a place that doesn’t exist a problem and send warning it couldn’t find it. (and I don’t know why or what on that one too)

That is by design, based on the category you chose when you setup the Download Client, and how the download client itself is configured by default.

This is covered in the Wiki and Trash Guides

Thanks for the reply!

I think I have another problem in that I’m not sure which downloader is doing the deed. Once the download happens everything else disappears. It used to leave a bunch of stuff that I deleted by hand (not a big deal). Now everything is working except for the strange occurance of creating a different ‘tv’ to put the download in. When that happens that’s where it gets stuck. My big deal is that I have to transfer the download to the root folder (another thing not a big deal). The reason I think its probably the transmission download is that its not happening all that often. Most of the time my downloads end up in the proper folder in the root folder and what I am whining about is few and far between.

I can live with this. My problem is that its a mystery and I prefer not to have mysteries. Still, its not a big deal.

I have been told that the problem is in the setup of the transmission downloader and has nothing to do with the category but the wiki I was sent to is very clear that the category sets the target for the downloader. My tv category is very clear and the target is /home/greg/Video/tv. When it goes wrong it wants to put it into /home/greg/Video/complete/tv. I think I’m going to back off this whole thing and give it about a week’s time before I mess with it again as I really have noplace to go right now and, maybe, after a week, I might think of something. That will also give me more time to make sure what I have is what I think I have.

Thanks again for the reply!

This likely all stems back to the fact that your paths are still not setup per best practice as outlined in the guides. Nothing is a mystery, everything is going somewhere because you have configured one of the components in play to do so. However, having a non-standard setup means it falls to you to understand which parts point to where, instead of just being able to refer to the guides.

When everything is setup correctly, you should not have to manually move nor delete anything. Furthermore, you should not be manually moving or deleting your torrent downloads. You want to make sure that hardlinking is working, otherwise you are going to be failing to seed and/or taking up double the space.

Your categories and paths for your download clients will differ based on the client in use and the path settings within the client in question. I don’t use Transmission but from the brief searching that I did it seems like it is behaving as designed and configured. While it is downloading, it stores partial files in the /incomplete folder. When complete it moves the finished downloads to the /complete folder. By setting a category of tv it will store downloads initiated by Sonarr in the /complete/tv folder. Again, this is not it doing something wrong. This is it doing exactly what it has been configured and told to do.

Once again, I encourage you to fix your paths and setup per the guides. I just remembered that I believe you are running native apps, so paths are less of an issue from a functional standpoint (although /home is still not recommended for the reasons outlined in the guides). However, it is imperative that you understand which piece is pointing to where, which should clear up your ongoing confusion. And possibly consider moving to a torrent client that is covered in the guides, like qbittorrent, if you’re still having difficulty connecting the dots.

My solution was to use the directory in the transmission downloader. For some reason I kept on thinking that was wrong and I was wrong about that one. From what I can tell that has solved my problems and, now, everything is working correctly.

Thank you for the help.

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