[Solved] Reverse proxy no longer working

Mode: Service
OS: Windows 10 Pro x64 1909
Reverse Proxy: Caddy version 1.04

Hey Guys, First of all, thanks so much for continued development and all the hard work. Sonarr is a fantastic app!

I’ve have had a reverse proxy in place for a number of years and it’s been working just fine (until now).
I have been using Sonarr v3 without any config changes for almost a year, and it’s been rock solid.

I assume there is an issue with Sonarr as a number of my apps/services cannot reach Sonarr when I’m trying to reach with Caddy running. Radarr is absolutely fine (very similar config setup).

Ports on my router are forwarded for 80 and 443 to my PC where Sonarr is hosted. Sonarr is on port 8082.

sonarr > settings > general >
Bind address= *
url base = /sonarr

https://example.domain.com/radarr/ works just fine
https://example.domain.com/sonarr/ Bad Request - Invalid Hostname, HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid.

Debug logs show Sonarr looking at:

20-4-1 19:39:46.7|Info|OwinHostController|  http://localhost:8082/sonarr/
20-4-1 19:39:46.7|Info|OwinHostController|  http://localhost:8082/

Caddy File:

example.domain.com {                       

#Email for Let's Encrypt 

  tls email@gmail.com

  proxy /sabnzb {          

  proxy /sonarr {          


  proxy /radarr {          

Error from Caddy

2020/04/01 00:44:39 http: TLS handshake error from R46096: no certificate available for ''

I’m also assuming thats why my webcal Google calendar is blank. Due to the destination being blank.

I had this once before in Sonarr, but it corrected itself a few days later, si I thought nothing of it, but now I can’t see what’s causing the issue.

Any ideas appreciated!
Thanks in advance

So it’ll only work with localhost, have you run Sonarr as admin at least one time? Then it’ll bind to *.

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What a tit I am lol, you’re absolutely right! I rebuilt my PC about a week ago, and I restored using my powershell script and I completely forgot that part of the process as it’s been ages since I built a new instance, and this forgot about that step. Can’t believe I wasted hours looking at that, wish I had posted earlier now.

Thanks man!

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