Slow transfer from remote machine fails import

Sonarr version (exact version):
Package Version: by
OS: docker
Description of issue:
I have a setup where there’s a torrent client on a remote machine, and data is transferred to sonarr via Syncthing. It works fairly well, but there are problems when more than one file are expected.
Recently a season pack was downloaded. Two episodes were successfully imported by Sonarr, but then following messages were seen in log:

Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr: /data/torrents/seedbox/series-folder-that-now-deffo-exists. Ensure the path exists and the user running Sonarr has the correct permissions to access this file/folder
DiskScanService	Completed scanning disk for Series Name	00:16	
DiskScanService	Scanning Series Name	00:16
DiskScanService	Completed scanning disk for Series Name	Yesterday	
DiskScanService	Scanning Series Name	Yesterday	
RefreshSeriesService	Skipping refresh of series: Series Name	Yesterday

I’m guessing sonarr gave importing up before Syncthing managed to transfer all the data over. Is it possible to ask sonarr to retry/recheck queued data that’s at 100% more aggressively? Maybe it could be an internal setting in Sonarr - if remote path mapping exists for host, give more time for data transfer?

Best to do slow file transfers to a local folder that sonarr can’t see, then do an instant move to the folder where sonarr can pick up files from. You’re risking incomplete / cut off files from ending up in your library. If sonarr sees the file, it will move it, incomplete or not…

Okay, looks like this is a common problem when syncing data over from remote locations.
Surely there are some common patterns how community overcomes this problem?

sync in a manner where sonarr cannot see the file until it is fully there or switch to a remote mount rather than a sync setup which requires advanced knowledge to do correctly

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