Slow scanning when torrent is not in folder

Sonarr version (exact version):
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Debian
Debug logs:
Description of issue:

For shows that are releasing currently, individual episodes are downloaded and thats fine. However, when a season is done, my tracker currently deletes all the individual episodes and packs them into a season pack. I would like to easily be able to use the new torrent for seeding. The problem is the new torrent usually comes with a top-level folder, meaning I would have to individually create folders for each show that I would upload.

I am using qbit, so a solution to this is to enable the option to disregard the first directory of the torrent, which works okay. The problem now is, that if Sonarr cannot guess a torrents show from its name, I need to manually import it. This is no big deal, but since there is now top-level folder, Sonarr scans through all files in the folder, most of which have already been imported. This is somewhat slow and confusing, so I was wondering if there were any clever heads among those reading this, that might have a solution to this where:

  • Individual episodes can be downloaded
  • When season packs are released, I can just recheck them all to the same base location
  • Doing a manual import on a torrent in the folder only considers the files in the actual torrent.

Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

This is not a Sonarr issue really.

Just download the season pack and then use jdupes to deduplicate/ hardlink

also doable with adding season pack to preferred words so it’d be grabbed as well

While that is certainly an option, my problem recides more in the fact that Sonarr scans a torrents location instead of only the files in the torrent. This is also problematic in Radarr, where movies usually don’t have a their own top folder so it takes a very long time to scan on my machine. Is there any way to force Sonarr to only scan the files of a torrent instead of the whole folder it recides in?


Sonarr also uses the path reported from the torrent client.

May be wrong but pretty sure for a single file download it’s not looking at the entire torrent folder - would want to see trace logs of that occurring.

For manual import - It is intentionally recursive - that will not be changed

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