Sonarr version (exact version): ( by
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Linux Debian 11
Description of issue:
When adding TV Show “Frontline” in Sonarr, I have the usual problem that this tv show is named with S-2022-E-01 and sometime S-41-E01.
But my problem is that Frontline grabs the episode list from TVDB but seems caching it somewhere. For example, we can see here that the 3rd episode from this Season is “Pelosi’s Power” :
In Skyhook (is that the system that grabs, caches and distributes metadata to Sonarr clients?) the information seems outdated :
Can you tell me how and when should I be able to have new episode list on Sonarr ? It seems I can’t ask for a refresh of TVDB data on my own.
Thank you very much !
Have a great day.