Sonarr version (exact version):
OS: Docker for Synology
Description of issue:
Hello, I’m running Sonarr in Docker on my Synology.
I’m trying to get synoindex working for my dlna index to be updated.
I’ve found that : GitHub - racklin/simple-synoindex-server: Simple synoindex server for Synology NAS This should do the trick but I’m noob enough to need help setting this up.
While I’ve read it multiples times and I’ve looked for info on the web, I can’t get it to work.
I hope someone could help me with this.
As I understand :
1/ I extracted the package in a directory of my choice on my syno.
2/ I added a mapping path to my docker setting
docker/simple-synoindex-server to /usr/syno/bin
3/ I update the .ini file with my server setting ( didn’t work for me when trying to test the syno index sonarr connector)
port : 32699
and volume mapping settings
4/ I set a task to run the binaries on boot and started it manually
The scipt set is :
/volume1/docker/simple-synoindex-server/synoindex-server &
When I look at the execution result there’s “no datas” in “script” and “no datas” in “standard output/error”
5/ Then I went to sonarr to add the connector that worked properly when tested
But still, my DLNA Index is not updated when a downloaded files is moved to my tv folders.
Any clue ?