I know this item has been brought up before (heartbeat message) and it was noted this error can be ignored, however I have recently moved to sonarr from sickbeard and have been using it for a day or so and then this issue started to occur. In the last 24 hrs I have gotten the SignalR Heartbeat error.and each time it’s followed with the UI becoming unavailable and sonnar losing backend connection. When I attempt to click reload nothing works.
My"fix" is to relaunch the service with /etc/init.d/nzbdrone start
I am running Ubuntu 14.04 with kernel 3.16.0-34
If there are any logs or anything that may be required I’d be happy to share.
Appreciate any assistance.
Kill the service, and run it from the command line. Watch when it crashes.
I bet you’re having the same issue as many of us - the on that’s stickied asking for LOTS of data.
Would this keep the dates from being populated for upcoming show’s? I am seeing this error a lot in my logs and have noticed that I am not getting the dates to populate for a lot of my shows.
No. Are the dates on TheTVDB?
Pleae hastebin the debug logs of a refresh of a problematic series and we can take a look.
Moved to this topic (https://forums.sonarr.tv/t/no-next-air-date/5352). So I dont hijack this thread.
So is there another thread on this then? What data would be needed?
I’m running mono 3.1
servadmin@htpc-ubuntu:~$ mono -V
Mono JIT compiler version 3.10.0 (tarball Wed Nov 5 12:50:04 UTC 2014)
Copyright © 2002-2014 Novell, Inc, Xamarin Inc and Contributors. www.mono-project.com
TLS: __thread
SIGSEGV: altstack
Notifications: epoll
Architecture: amd64
Disabled: none
Misc: softdebug
LLVM: supported, not enabled.
GC: sgen
And Sonarr
15-4-28 15:23:43.8|Info|Bootstrap|Starting NzbDrone - /opt/NzbDrone/NzbDrone.exe - Version
15-4-28 15:23:44.9|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 0 processes with the name: NzbDrone.Console
15-4-28 15:23:45.3|Debug|ProcessProvider|Found 1 processes with the name: NzbDrone
15-4-28 15:23:45.5|Info|MigrationLogger|*** Migrating data source=/home/servadmin/.config/NzbDrone/nzbdrone.db;cache size=-10485760;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***
15-4-28 15:23:45.8|Debug|MigrationLogger|Took: 00:00:00.2886059
15-4-28 15:23:45.8|Info|MigrationLogger|*** Migrating data source=/home/servadmin/.config/NzbDrone/logs.db;cache size=-10485760;datetimekind=Utc;journal mode=Wal;pooling=True;version=3 ***
15-4-28 15:23:45.9|Debug|MigrationLogger|Took: 00:00:00.1104849
15-4-28 15:23:46.0|Info|Router|Application mode: Interactive
15-4-28 15:23:46.0|Debug|Router|Console selected
15-4-28 15:23:46.0|Info|OwinHostController|Listening on the following URLs:
15-4-28 15:23:46.0|Info|OwinHostController| http://*:8989/
15-4-28 15:23:46.2|Debug|OwinAppFactory|Attaching NzbDroneVersionMiddleWare to host
15-4-28 15:23:46.2|Debug|OwinAppFactory|Attaching SignalRMiddleWare to host
15-4-28 15:23:46.2|Debug|OwinAppFactory|Attaching NancyMiddleWare to host
15-4-28 15:23:46.3|Info|NancyBootstrapper|Starting NzbDrone API
15-4-28 15:23:46.5|Trace|EventAggregator|Publishing ApplicationStartedEvent
15-4-28 15:23:47.1|Trace|EventAggregator|ApplicationStartedEvent -> UserService
15-4-28 15:23:47.1|Trace|EventAggregator|ApplicationStartedEvent <- UserService
15-4-28 15:23:47.1|Trace|EventAggregator|ApplicationStartedEvent -> DownloadClientFactory
15-4-28 15:23:47.1|Debug|DownloadClientFactory|Initializing Providers. Count 8
15-4-28 15:23:47.3|Trace|EventAggregator|ApplicationStartedEvent <- DownloadClientFactory
15-4-28 15:23:47.3|Trace|EventAggregator|ApplicationStartedEvent -> IndexerFactory
15-4-28 15:23:47.3|Debug|IndexerFactory|Initializing Providers. Count 12
15-4-28 15:23:47.3|Trace|EventAggregator|ApplicationStartedEvent <- IndexerFactory
15-4-28 15:23:47.3|Trace|EventAggregator|ApplicationStartedEvent -> ReconfigureLogging
15-4-28 15:23:49.4|Info|SceneMappingService|Updating Scene mappings
15-4-28 15:23:50.4|Info|HousekeepingService|Running housecleaning tasks
15-4-28 15:23:50.7|Info|Database|Vacuuming database
15-4-28 15:23:50.9|Info|Database|Database Compressed
15-4-28 15:23:54.8|Warn|GlobalExceptionHandlers|SignalR Heartbeat error.
It’s just becoming a bit of a pain to having to restart each time I need to access the UI