Show Not Found with Indexers

Sonarr version: 4146
Mono: 4.0.4
OS: Mac OS 10.11

I have a show that was not found using the RarTV indexer nor KAT, it’s called 19-2 (2014). I was able to add it to the library but am suspecting that Sonarr could not parse it from torrents due the uncommon name.

Torrent example 19-2.S03E01.720p.HDTV.x264-KILLERS


The issue is likely the difference in the TVDB title and the release’s series title.

Hi Markus,

It is already on that Google Doc with Notes marked “Not required”. I guess the entry was marked good because actual Scene naming may be right for the submission but I can’t find the torrents named that way.

Any ideas what next step would be?

Thats because the name that they entered isn’t required to Sonarr 19.2.2014 and 19-2 (2014) are the same, but the releases without the year are not considered the same, it will need to be added without the year.

Understood, I added it to the list without the year.

Thanks for the help as always!

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