Setting up TGX?

Hi guys I need help as I want to add torrent galaxy and I don’t know what to do, any help would be great

Are you using Jackett or Prowlarr?

I’m using sonarr

You are going to need either Jackett or Prowlarr for Sonarr indexers are useless without one or the other. I myself recommend Jackett. As for TorrentGalaxy you will want more than one indexer.

Ok thanks for your suggestion. I’ll download and install it. What other indexers would you suggest using as I’m still very new to all of this. Thanks

If you’re just looking at non-anime, English, public trackers - 1337x, EZTV, GloDLS, ShowRSS, and TheRARBG.

NO to RARGB cause it’s dead and has been.

1337x, BullTorrent, EZTV, GloDLS, Isohunt2,, Lime Torrent, showRSS, Torlock, Torrent Download TorrentDownload, TorrentFuck, TorrentGalaxy, TorrentProject2, YourBittorrent, YTS.

You should read more carefully next time.

RARBG is gone. As for TheRARBG I wouldn’t trust it. It popped up after RARBG closed its doors so is most likely a bad copycat site.

I am well aware RARBG is gone, I was in communication with at least one of the admins. I’m one of the maintainers for Jackett and contributor for Prowlarr, specifically I’m the one who added TheRARBG, and have been in brief communication with their lead admin. While there were plenty of shitty copycat sites, this isn’t one of them.

HI guys and thanks for your comments ive now set up the indexes in prowlarr and all is working. I really appreciate the comments.


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