Setting to not download PROPERS`

Any way to stop PROPER/REPACK from being auto downloaded? I just had 2 downloads of the same tv show within the same hour. The original was fine! In fact, I can’t think of a time when I’ve needed a ‘PROPER/REPACKED’ version to be downloaded. If I do then Ill just manually choose and download a new version.

Perhaps a settings switch to disbale this behaviour?

There is a setting for this…

Media Management settings (it’s an advanced setting).

For some reason, I didn’t have my Advanced Settings button on!

But, I already have that setting set to NO.

Here are the 2 torrents:

Impossible to say why it was grabbed without debug logs and a screenshot of the history for that episode.

ok thanks, if it continues then ill turn on the debug log and send them in.

I have that turned off and have had some propers downloaded recently. It’s a bit weird.

You could just add “PROPER” to the list of ignored tags on Indexers tab.

No, coz then if there aren’t any releases except PROPER, you’d be toast.

OP is doing the right thing, monitoring the situation and grabbing debug logs when it’s happening again.

He literally said:

Besides, even if you add the phrase to ignored, you can still trigger the download manually. You’re not “toast”.
Personally, I’d prefer being notified about the PROPER. That would allow me to make a decision before redownloading.

And his next lines was "I just had 2 downloads of the same tv show within the same hour. ", clearly he meant the upgrade to proper for the same quality.

As markus mentioned, there’s an option to disable that, and if it isn’t working as intended then we need log files since there likely is another reason why it happened. Exactly what OP is doing.

I simply remarked that your proposed workaround has unintended side effects that other users need to be aware of. And that other users having the same problem should do the same as OP, and gather log files.

Falling over semantics isn’t going to help anyone.

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