Sonarr version
Mono version (if Sonarr is not running on Windows):
OS: Windows 10 x64
((Debug logs)) (posted to hastebin or similar):
Description of issue (if you think you’ve found a bug please include steps to reproduce):
Greetings all!
I’m new to Sonarr and I’m loving it.
I have a question, however: I have in my PC a single folder for all the series I watch. Not separated by series name or season (not that a mess, because I delete it after watching), and it’s easier to browse on my TV.
So: how do I make Sonarr to download all series to the very same folder? Like, I want all downloaded stuff to go to D:\TVShows[and no more folders here].
I’ve tried to set it on TV Show settings but it won’t allow me to set more than one to each folder.
Thanks in advance!