Series list : add info episodes if line expanded

The series list is the one i’m the most looking at.
I can very fast check if i already have all the episodes of the series airing the next days, …
At this time i don’t need another columns, but i would like the possibility to order on multiple columns (with ctrl-clic of so …). That’s a nice 2 have :slight_smile:

But what i would really appreciate is to see which episodes are missing on a serie ; now i have to click on every serie to open a brand new page where i only check the red / green / blue bullets, nothing else.
I don’t need at this moment all the other pieces of information.
So could you add the episodes too in the series list in the same style trakt does to show the progression ?
Only the episode numbers in color and made visible if you click on a line to expand it so that doesn’t change for the users who doesn’t want this feature.
That would be a big win of time for me, and a big win of bandwith for your server.

This is up to the author of the library drone uses, the cost vs benefit for us to do it just isn’t there.

You can also use the missing page to see missing episodes in a single list (for multiple series), this is not something we’re going to look at changing.

None of this is “our” server, it all goes to your setup of drone and unless you’re accessing it over the internet there is zero bandwidth used and when you are the amount of bandwidth used is minimal with caching and a small amount of text.

big win of time for me, sure, and no image to send at all for the server that provides them (i’m using the list without images, so every access could not be found in my cache).

But, really, for let’s say 20 incomplete shows that i see in the list, for every one of them, i should check en search in a at least 20 pages list to find the missing episodes ?

OK, sure i’m the only one that do that with his shows …

I mean nzbdrone has already made the work easier, but when i see a solution that could give me the answer in 1 click, without refresh, the comparison with the check in the missing list for every serie … is a little bit extreme


Thats what the series details page is for then. If you only want to look at one series’ episodes you go there. Once the fanart image is loaded once it is cached (not downloaded again), unless it changes.

The series list is supposed to be an overview of your series, not a one stop shop to manage everything to save you from navigating to another page (which is extremely fast because only the data required for that page is loaded, not the entire page from the server), once you start putting too much information there it becomes cluttered and less useful.

I’ve got a list with 388 series in it, 131 of which are still being aired. The list is already huge for me, I’d hate to see it bigger just to show me information that is just one click away anyway. There are only two use cases for missing episodes anyway: either you just added the series and you have to look for the eps manually (in which case you already know that you’re missing a lot of episodes) or you’re missing new episodes of series that are still airing, in which case you probably won’t be able to find the ep anyway. What is it you need this info for which is not covered by the Wanted page?

you don’t see it bigger, it stays thge same if you don’t want to use this option
but let it go