Series info doesn't match NZBs - any solution?

I’ve added a series and the info it’s downloaded has each series named according to the year, so the current series is 2015 rather than a series number as is usually the case.

The episodes are available on my indexers but with a series number instead so it’s not finding any of them.

Is there any solution to this?


Yes, that’s what is used for. Might already be added there, most shows that need this sort of assistance are.

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Aha thanks! No idea how that works but will have a look :slight_smile:

(expect me back shortly going omgwtfhelp)

I’m back! :smile:

Had a quick look on there and the series is listed with the correct mappings. Does Sonarr use this automatically, in which case not sure why it wasn’t working, or do I need to enable something somewhere?

Sorry for being a total noob :frowning:

EDIT: BTW the series in question is Horizon:

Yes, its all automatic, I believe that series was fixed earlier today, so refreshing the series in Sonarr and re-searching should find the correct release.

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Yep that worked a treat, many thanks.