Im running sonarr on debian wheezy. I have a separate hardrive for series. This harddrive has read/write access for all users (chmod -R 777). However when i try to add a new serie to sonarr no root series folder is created.
For example:
MetadataService Series folder does not exist, skipping metadata creation 14:16
MediaCoverService Downloading Fanart for [75760][How I Met Your Mother] http://thetvdb.com/banners/fanart/original/75760-59.jpg 14:16
MediaCoverService Downloading Poster for [75760][How I Met Your Mother] http://thetvdb.com/banners/posters/75760-42.jpg 14:16
MediaCoverService Downloading Banner for [75760][How I Met Your Mother] http://thetvdb.com/banners/graphical/75760-g2.jpg 14:16
DiskScanService Scanning disk for How I Met Your Mother 14:16
RefreshEpisodeService Finished episode refresh for series: [75760][How I Met Your Mother]. 14:16
RefreshEpisodeService Starting episode info refresh for: [75760][How I Met Your Mother] 14:16
RefreshSeriesService Updating Info for How I Met Your Mother 14:16
SeriesService Adding Series [75760][How I Met Your Mother] Path: [/media/Series/How I Met Your Mother]
When i check the series folder indeed no root folder is created.
Series folder rights:
ls -l
total 24
drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Jan 1 18:25 lost+found
drwxrwsrwx+ 25 sonarr users 4096 Jan 2 14:28 Series
When i manually add the folder (mkdir etc) sonarr is able to create season folders. So it only seems to be a problem creating the root serie folder.
Any help is appreciated.