It says off-topic so I am assuming I can ask for some help on this ongoing issue I am having.
Here is the issue:
A lot of times when I download movies [720p or 1080p Bluray] quite frequently I get pixelation during playback or sometimes the movie just stops and I am back to the main menu in XBMC. I know for sure it is not an XBMC issue because even when I try the movie in VLC the same thing happens.
I thought all this was happening when I was using uTorrent while Sabnzbd was running because 99% of the time if Sabnzbd is downloading and I launch uTorrent it would completely kill my internet connection until I close uTorrent and wait for approx. 2-3 mins. I then decided to stop using uTorrent but the issue was still there.
The next step I took was to replace my router, this actually helped with the internet disconnections, so now I can run both uTorrent and Sabnzb at the same time, but it has not rectified my issue with the movies. The weird thing is this, I can go back and download the same movie from the same nzb file and I have zero issues with it.
The only thing I could think of was that it could be my ISP modem or something wrong with their network in my area. Well, they assured me the issue is not with them. Now, the only thing I can think of that may be causing this issue is Win7 Remote Desktop. I login to my basement PC that has all the movies and then transfer them on the same machine to my movie HD’s which are all on that same machine.
I am just desperate and frustrated here and I am hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.
Thanks in advance for any advice.
My guess is something with the disk is being played from, bad sectors, slow, or the processor can’t process the file properly, but that would be more likely with 1080p releases than 720p.
Usenet and torrent downloads are verified as they down/after they download and unless the file was corrupt inside the rar set (which would get nuked), downloading likely isn’t the cause.
Thats all I have for now, but if I think of anything else I’ll let you know.
I thought it might have been the disk as well, but 10 WD 3TB drives can’t be bad all at the same time. I do however move the files from my SATA drive to just a regular EIDE drive but I also checked that and it seems fine.
I just started copying the completed files to the same SATA hard drive and just about to go look at a movie to see if it is happening. Although that may not be a real test because some of the downloaded movies, even 16 gb’s plays fine, sometimes.
Anyway, I appreciate all the help I can get.
I don’t know if this will help at all, but when I got my first WD 3TB drive, I copied most of my tv and anime over to it and thought it was fine. Then I started watching the newest episodes of tv shows that I copied over and started seeing pixelation and xbmc would randomly stop. I thought it was just with that one episode, but as I started to watch more… I ran into the same problems. It has to do with the drives themselves as I’ve never had this happen with any of the 1tbs I traded up for.
I read someone else was having the same issue somewhere on the net and they were told to copy files with TeraCopy. Ever since I started using TeraCopy, I haven’t had a problem with any video file since. I don’t know why this causes this problem, but I hope this helps! Were your videos all working fine until all of a sudden? Could windows update have introduced anything? Just thoughts! I haven’t looked into if there’s a way to have TeraCopy transfer files from sabnzbd, but if it could… I’d be very happy as to not have to do it manually.
Well, after months and months of frustration I think I finally found the problem. Before all of these problems I used to have Sabnzbd unpack the file in my C:\Downloads\complete folder but in my infinite wisdom I decided to purchase a 2TB drive and then had Sabnzbd unpack the files and then move it to E:\complete.
Believe it or not, this was the problem. I now just have Sabnzbd unpacking and doing whatever it needs to do on the same drive. I have not had any issues so far since I did this. I am still checking every movie I watch and tv show as well.
I also heard about some issues with the 3TB WD drives. I know my brother experiences more issues that I do, but you mentioned that some videos were working fine and then all of a sudden they had problems. Well, I have experienced this as well and although I can’t prove it yet, I to believe that the WD drives are an issue here.
Unfortunately for me, I now have 10 of them but any new HD from here on won’t be WD. I will have to do some research into other brands. I guess we all love these drives because the prices are reasonable when they are on special.
It is a true saying. You get what you pay for. LOL
Thanks for sharing your experience, hopefully it will help someone else how may be experiencing similar issues.