Season/Episode issues -> Frontline

Sonarr version (exact version): by []
OS: Docker
Description of issue:

This is the only show that I have seen this specific issue with. TVDB tracks the show seasons by the year


But IMDB tracks the show by season number

Posts of the show follow the IMDB naming convention, whereas Sonarr follows TVDB. As such, it always grabs the wrong episode, thinking it’s the right one.


Sonarr actually understands that it is confused about the release number.


Is there any way to fix this issue?

Episodes 9 and 10 are yet to be added.

That’s not the problem.

You’ll see in the screen shots that it is searching for 2023x08 but the search results are for s41e09.

Because posters don’t follow s2023. They follow the IMDB seasons ie S40 S41 etc

I have never seen Frontline posted in the TVDB season format of release year.

It’s the only show that I have seen on TVDB that is tracked that way.

Just performed a search; it’s using PBS Frontline S41E09 when searching for Season 2023 E8, as per the XEM mapping linked above.

OK, I see what you are saying. This is weird, though. Why did my system search for an episode that wasn’t avail yet? And why did it have the wrong episode numbers on the wrong existing files???

I’ve sorted that out and will keep my eye on it going forward.


It didn’t. It doesn’t.

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