"Searching 0 indexers" and nzb.su

Sonarr Ver.
Windows 10

Starting last week, I cannot get search results from nzb.su. If I add and remove the nzb.su configuration, it will download one set of results and then fail on the NZB download with errors similar to this (I added the asterisks to hide my API key):

HTTP Error - Res: [GET] https://api.nzb.su/getnzb/*&i=&r=********: 429.429

After this, the logs show that Sonarr is “searching 0 indexers” for any future searches. I also see in the log that the FetchAndParseRssService says that 0 indexers are available.

A 429 response means you are being rate limited, did your VIP expire there last week?

Nope. I still have close to a year left on VIP status.

Something I did think to check was my profile and trying to just get an NZB manually from the site, which blocked me for the rate limit as well. My profile has this:

Grabs Today: 601 (Next DL in 4h 13m) /450

I’m changing my API key just in case, but as far as I know Sonarr is the only thing that has ever been configured to use with this. I don’t have any choice but to wait until later tonight when it resets on the nzb.su side.

That explains why you’re rate limited, 601 grabs of a maximum 450 (they must apply the rate limiting periodically), did you kick off a search for all missing episodes recently or search for multiple pages of missing episodes?

When I woke up this morning, my “Grabs Today” was back to 100/450, so I added nzb.su back as an indexer and it worked without any problems.

I’m really not sure what could have happened. I checked all through my Sonarr activity around the time it stopped last week, but there weren’t any big searches or anything abnormal. (I was actually so busy last week I never even loaded it up and just noticed today it had stopped working.)

WHO KNOWS, basically.

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